How To Use Sea Moss On Hair For Growth and Volume

Rich in cherished nutrients, Red algae Irish sea moss (Chondrus crispus) is widely used in the current cosmetology and beauty industries. It’s no less treasured as a multifunctional supplement that piques all the attention of dietitians today.

If you dream of a headful of strong, bright hair without split ends, stay tuned to learn how to use sea moss on hair for maximum results.

What is sea moss and what does it contain?

The high-quality Irish sea moss we use in TrueSeaMoss products is harvested in the warm Vietnamese waters. It passes minimum processing in order to save all its benefits and nutrients.

Irish moss is abundant in a whopping huge amount of vitamins, antioxidants, acids, enzymes, and minerals. Its long and constant use increases the body’s immunity, and overall energy levels, balances hormones, and improves digestion.

The benefits of red algae are science-baked. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Irish moss is a powerhouse of iron, magnesium B vitamins, antioxidants (E, A, C, potassium, and manganese), iodine, calcium, fatty acids, probiotics, and enzymes. Such a variety of nutrients in Red algae affects the body and drastically improves your health.

What are sea moss gel benefits for hair?

If you are struggling with dry hair, hair loss, too much sebum, split ends, or being hueless, sea moss gel will do better than some trendy hair products.

Since sea moss is a gift of nature, there is zero chance it will harm your hair and only a small one that turns out allergic. Here are the most mention-worthy sea moss gel benefits for hair:

Contributes to hair growth

Can sea moss help with hair growth? It is more than can. It will promote your hair growth and fight hair loss. There’s nothing miraculous about it — Irish sea moss is simply abundant in iron and vitamin E. These nutrients of sea moss promote the growth(1) of strong and lifeful hair.

Adds shine and hue

Having some of the B vitamins, especially Niacin, B-6, and B-12, sea moss increases the production of keratin and melanin(2). Melanin is a pigment that occurs in hair and skin and provides color to them, giving your hair more saturated color and gentle brightness.

Hydrates your hair

Shoutout again to the sought-after vitamin E in sea moss. Vitamin E promotes hydration of your scalp(3), regulates pH in it, and prevents dryness and breakability of your hair. By bettering blood circulation in your scalp, vitamin E of sea moss also boosts hair growth.

Revitalizes and heals it

Zinc(4), vitamins B, A, and C, and Iron in content make sea moss gel efficient for hair repair. These vitamins bring vital nutrients to your hair follicles, hydrate hair, and increase blood circulation in your scalp. If you add sea moss topically to your hair, it will soothe and hydrate your hair tips.

Stabilizes scalp sebum

Vitamins B (particularly B1, B6, and B12) fight off greasy hair by stabilizing the production of sebum (5) — the natural oil your body produces to prevent dryness of your skin. Too much sebum is a sign of skin dehydration, which is efficiently fixed with fatty acids and vitamins of sea moss.

How to use sea moss on hair?


It’s worth noting that using sea moss inside is way more beneficial to your hair (and your entire body) than applying it topically.

Two tablespoons of Irish moss gel consumed daily will help you achieve the desired health for your hair, skin, immune system, digestion, and more.

In the True Sea Moss shop you can try all gel flavors in one order. This way you can apply wildcrafted gel on your hair, and consume fruit-flavored inside to benefit your whole body, including your hair.

Now, here’s how you can use your sea moss on your hair:

Use as a pre-poo

Here’s how to use sea moss on hair to enjoy the volume and silkiness of your hair. You want to leave sea moss gel to sit on your hair for 10-15 minutes before shampooing it. The best way is to deep-gel your hair, massage your scalp, and then put on an atlas hat. Then rinse sea moss gel carefully with your shampoo.

Apply as a hair mask

Another wonderful way is to make a mask of it. You can mix sea moss gel with avocado, jojoba, almond, rosemary, or argan oil. The best way to use the mixture is to apply it on your scalp and hair and let it sit at least for one hour before shampooing it under an atlas hat. Consistent repeating of the procedure will do the topsy-turvy thing to your hair!

Add to your shampoo

Finally, sea moss gel added to your shampoo will ensure better and deeper cleansing of your scalp without drying your hair out. This way you will remove all excess of sebum and enjoy clean hair for longer. This method goes best with a scalp massaging brush.

Unlock Radiant Hair with True Sea Moss! 🌿

✨ Create your customized sea moss bundle and relish a 20% discount on subscription. Delve into a variety of flavors and subscribe to experience the full spectrum of Sea Moss advantages for hair. Begin your journey to luscious locks today! ❤️


To sum up

Sea moss boasts a variety of nutrients that do miracles, not only to your hair but to your overall health. For hair, sea moss prevents hair loss, adds volume, repairs, promotes growth, and regulates sebum control.

There is a variety of ways to use sea moss on your hair — such as a hair mask, pre-poo, or along with your shampoo for better cleansing — however, the best way we at True Sea Moss recommend to all our customers is to use sea moss inside (2 tablespoons distributes throughout the day).

If you still haven’t chosen your sea moss gel solution — check out our shop and pick the sea moss gel that tastes best for you!

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