Evidence-Based Sea Moss Benefits For Women and Reproductive System

Updated 09 September 2023 | Published 15 March 2023
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Reviewed by registered dietitian nutritionist Mariya Pastukhova, bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics, New York, US

All individuals with a female reproductive system have an unpleasant couple of days every month. While some won’t even notice their periods pass, some experience great pain, anxiety, nausea, and heavy dizziness. These could be the signs of hormonal imbalance and latent reproductive system issues.

We talked to our loyal customer Kayla, who brought an insightful story about sea moss benefits for women that we can’t help not sharing with y’all.

“True Sea Moss — I can’t forget it because it’s great. After three years of menstrual pain, sea moss played a great part and changed everything.”

Kayla is a 22-year-old lively girl from… all around the US! She invests her all into everyday work, e-commerce, modeling, and acting.

If you have ever wondered how to have more energy — let Kayla tell her story and give you a piece of life-changing advice in the end.

How did you learn about sea moss?

Kayla told us about her struggles with menstrual pain and intense bleeding during her periods. What’s more, the usual duration of her periods was reaching seven days and beyond — which is considered a heavy periods for the female reproductive system.

Prescribed by her medical supplier medication couldn’t soothe the tormenting effects of heavy periods. Hearing some about famous Dr. Sabi and his recommendation on Irish sea moss, Kayla weighed it up and purchased her sea moss to give it a try.

Even though her doctors did not find it credible, Kayla’s experiments with Irish moss made acute pains and fierce bleeding stop. Additionally to Kayla’s surprise, the use of red algae cushioned her flipped knee pain she used to a very long time ago.

How did you first find out about TrueSeaMoss products?

Before trying sea moss, Kayla did her research on it. She read a lot about using sea moss as a vitamin for more energy, better immunity, and uplifted moods.

The first sea moss Kayla had experience with was Dr.Sabi’s moss. She then wanted to try other brands, but everything she ran into was full of dubious additives.

When Kayla stumbled upon True Sea Moss on the Internet. Natural ingredients, zero artificial additives, and a wide selection of flavored gels (which Kayla is quite fond of!) were convincing enough for her to give our brand a go.

The positive reviews about us did the final trick, and here’s where Kayla’s experience with True Sea Moss began.

“Most of the reviews were good, so I was like, all right, this is good. The people that also loved it and the way that it was packaged, it looked really nice, so it attracted me.”

What did your doctor say about sea moss benefits?

Kayla’s doctor insisted that sea moss couldn’t help with hormone imbalance and disturbed menstrual cycle.

However, Kayla’s mom’s best friend, a professional healthcare provider, stood up for the use of Irish sea moss, knowing its benefits to herself.

“She and her family actually take sea moss. She and her wife, use sea moss, which is amazing to me.”

What sea moss benefits can you point out?

“I remember my dad asked me one day last year, like, are you on drugs? He asked me about drugs because of how happy I am. No, I'm just high on life, honestly.”

Kayla saw several benefits from the regular use of sea moss. The primary use of sea moss as supplements for menstrual pain resulted in consolidated immunity.

“And since I got sick in 2019, since then, I have never been sick. I haven't been sick in the past three years, and I'm pretty sure that it's all because of sea moss.”

Energy — the next benefit Kayla gets from consuming sea moss. She swears that it only took a couple of days before she noticed a drastic change in her energy levels. Even her mental health got better, due to her brand-new energized self.

 Kayla’s skin benefited from sea moss as well. It gained a healthy glow and more even texture.

Finally, as Kyla says, sea moss benefits your digestion as a powerful detoxifier. It cleanses you from within, preventing bloating and constipation.

 Been taking True Sea Moss for over a year, Kayla says that it drastically changed her entire being. She turned into an energized, motivated, healthy, happy person, who can never complain about feeling unwell.

What would you recommend to others on sea moss use?

Kayla says that sea moss tastes great with a bagel and as a smoothie. Kayla used to have sea moss pills, but then she replaced them with raw sea moss in her smoothies and drinks, and strawberry-, mango-, and pineapple-flavored True Sea Moss gels on her bagels.

 She recommends using sea moss every day and experimenting with it as an ingredient — the more entertaining your sea moss experience is, the less you’d think about quitting it.

Did you have any negative experiences with sea moss?

Kayla shared that she hasn’t experienced any drawbacks or side effects from sea moss. This is not a surprise, as people are seldom sensitive to seaweed. However, Kayla said an inspiring thing when he was asked about sea moss's negative effects:

“And since I got sick in 2019, since then, I have never been sick. I haven't been sick in the past three years, and I'm pretty sure that it's all because of sea moss.”

Get rid of any sickness with True Sea Moss!

Feel free to create your own personal sea moss bundle with 20% subscribtion offer: choose any flavors, subscribe and get ready to feel the whole benefits of a constant Sea Moss use ❤️


Kayla’s final inspiring advice

Kayla’s motivating experience with sea moss shows that happiness and well-being are matters of choice and effort.

She did not want to tolerate her pains, even though everyone was advising against the use of natural remedies.

She took what was best for her and she grabbed that piece of happiness she deserves as a human being.

Kayla recommends taking sea moss regardless of what ailments or health issues you struggle with. Try it on yourself, she says, see what it gives you, but don’t hesitate with any decisions. Don’t expect instant results — sea moss is the most effective in the long run.

“I'm a real testimony because it changed me so much. My life is so much more vivid. I really think so. And I think that if you want to lead a healthier life and a better life just in the smallest step. Sea moss can be that small step.”

Here you have it. We recommend to check-up with your health supplier on the subject of seaweed allergies, and intolerance to any of the components of Irish moss, especially carrageenan and iodine.

Whether you struggle with painful periods, level up your immune system or just want to enjoy the healthier you, sea moss is the key to your vital life. Find your favorite sea moss taste there and let’s start!

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